Well, this is the look of the centre! :)
Let's begin with photos of baby owls... (sorry about that I can't really remember some of the birds' species... ><" Please tell me if I am wrong!)
Here is a perfect shot of this baby owl~ :3 It looks really cute and innocent!! <3 It also has really big eyes! ^-^
It sits like this... XD haha!
Here are two very fat European Eagle Owl babies and they are two to three times bigger than the last baby owl. :3
Do you think they are planning for something? Do you want to know what they are going to do? XD Well, here's a video clip about what they did later and was filmed by Jasmine. XD
One of the instructors was very nice and he wanted to pick one of these fat guys XD up so we could take a better photo of them. :) However, this turned out very =.='' as the baby owl was scared (by us ><)... and here're what I thought the baby owl was thinking...XPP
Baby owl: What are you guys doing here?!
Baby owl: WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! 0.0
Baby owl: LET ME GO!!! :'(
Baby owl: wuu..... TOT
Baby owl: T^T I give up....
Anyway XD, this is a photo of a baby Ural Owl and it looks very cute as well! :D
Well, here are the photos of 'adults' bird of prey! XD
Um... this owl is somehow yawning... XDDD Perhaps due to the fact that we went to there in the afternoon, all of the 'parents birds' seemed tired and wanted to sleep... XD
This is a photo of a Spotted Eagle Owl and it's sleeping!! XDD
A Barn Owl! Sleeping as well!! XD
This is a Screech Owl sleeping in a nest box! Its position was very good so I took this photo!
Here is a Chaco Owl and is awaken! I really have to admit that owls are born to be models and this owl just seems to be so beautiful and so professional! :D It really looks like that the owl's ready for me to take a photo!
This is a photo of a Great Grey Owl and it has a really funny face!!! XD
This is an Indian Eagle Owl and it looks very pretty as well! :)
Some birds were put outside the cages and were resting on the little field in the middle of the centre! Here are some photos of them. ^ ^
This owl looks really happy (good weather!) and energetic! It has very beautiful feathers and this is a very good photo to draw at! :D
This is a Steppe Eagle and it's really aggressive, comparing to the other birds! It is really big and is quite scary actually! ><"
Well, here comes my favourite, and it is also the gentlest bird! It is a peresaker - peregrine + saker falcon! It is relatively small and is very cooperative! Since I was taking photos for my art coursework, I wanted to take photos of the birds' feathers. The other birds didn't really pay attention to me but this peresaker was willing to show many different poses to me so I can take photos for it... :D Thank you!
Beautiful wings!!
Well, this is the end of my post!! Hope you enjoy reading it and see you next time! Best regards to all of you. :)

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