Um... I think this is the
best love stories I have ever read actually. :) Some people don't
really like it because it sets place in the 1950s America and
this is quite old-fashioned. >< (The fact that I am very old-fashioned is
exposed.... XP) I suddenly decide to write a review
of it because I need a book to do my 'hot seat' in my ESB exam. ><'' I
didn't want to use this book at first but later I decided to use it because I
knew it really well. :D
I read this book last year because my school had a 'Big Read' program for us and we needed to choose a book to read. I chose it because I am obsessed with love stories (especially Chinese ones). XP It has around 300 pages and the first chapter is quite boring indeed.
However, as I started to read the story of Lucia, the main girl
character in the book, I fall in love with this book and I keep crying when I
read it - the story was really sad. :'(
Here is the brief summary of the book. Lucia Sartori was a clever and ambitious girl. She
had a decent, well-paid job and was always followed by a herd
of followers since she was the most beautiful girl in the area she's
living in. XD Lucia also had a fiancé whose name was Dante DeMartino (very
very handsome *.*) and belonged to the best Italian family in New York.
She however decisively broke their engagement when
she knew that she couldn't go to work anymore after their marriage (even though Dante loved her very much :( ).
Lucia met a mysterious and attractive man
who called John Talbot later on
and she fell for him desperately at first sight.
However, the arrival of John actually brought miseries and problems to
Lucia and her family and an unexpected and horrible secret of him was revealed.
The reason I am recommending this book to you is that the story is
very touching. You can feel the same feelings as Lucia does
because the author's words are so powerful. The book contains a
lot of 'hopes' of a young girl too, for example her desires of being financial
independent, having the same freedoms as men do and meeting her 'prince
charming'. The story also shows the contrast between the reality
and her dreams, as many of her 'hopes' will definitely not
come true. :'( The story mentions about the relationships between
families and friends as well and also the problems encountered, when you need to accept a new family member. It's a very good book (although my
summary of the book is not very attractive) and I hope you guys will have a chance to
read it. ^ ^
Um...this is the end of my post today! Please feel
free to leave your comments below and see
you next time! :DDD
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